Tuesday, October 28, 2008


This blog truly breaks my heart. After hearing of a wife and husband in a plane crash-I went to view her blog. Her blog tells a tale of a wonderful mother and devoted wife. It has made me want to become a better mother and a more loving wife. I want to cry every time I read updates on Nie and Christian's progress and their supportive family. But I can't because I'm at work (That's another reason to add to my list of Reasons To Be A SAHM).

Take a look-I promise you won't regret it:


Thursday, October 23, 2008

I did it!

So I'm thinking of starting a blog. No wait-I already did. I'm not sure why. Maybe just because I need a place to put my thoughts and feelings. Or maybe it's because I would like to keep memories of my life here. But most likely it's because I have nothing interesting left to do at work (since most of the fun sites are blocked)! So here I am. Enjoy.